生化学辞典 第4版 | 東京化学同人 | 生化学・分子生物学・細胞生物学を網羅している和英辞典。用語に対する説明が詳しいので、訳語の確認だけでなく、内容の確認もできる。研 究者が自分の領域から一歩はずれた用語を理解できるようにはかる一方で、学生や諸学者にも役立つよう基礎的な用語を網羅する」という編者の姿勢が顕著に反 映されている。 |
英和プラスチック工業辞典 | 工業調査会 | 技術翻訳に必要な辞書、と翻訳者の評価が非常に高い辞典。プラスチック以外の分野のものも幅広くカバーされている。 |
ステッドマン医学大辞典―英和・和英 | メジカルビュー社 | 1冊で英和だけでなく和英にも対応しているので非常に便利。医学分野では必携図書として推薦する翻訳者も多い。 |
分子細胞生物学辞典 第2版 | 東京化学同人 | 完成度の高い辞典として推薦のあった辞書。 |
化学辞典 | 東京化学同人 | 化学分野で一番多く活用している、という推薦のあった辞典。化学だけでなく、生命科学、材料科学、工業技術、環境分野の用語もカバーされている。 |
南山堂医学大辞典 | 南山堂 | ステッドマンの辞書と並び、評価の高い医学辞典。和英辞典なので、英訳の多い弊社ではありがたい存在。解説も丁寧。 |
理系のための英語論文執筆ガイド―ネイティブとの発想のズレはどこか? (ブルーバックス) | 講談社 | 具体例が豊富で分かりやすい。 |
研究社 英語の数量表現辞典 | 研究社 | 数字表現に関して事例が豊富なので、迷ったときに便利な一冊。 |
Subtleties of Scientific Style | by Matthew Stevens |
弊社の校閲者としても活躍中のMatthew Stevens 氏がプロのエディターや校閲者向けに、豊富な経験を活かし、既存の英語論文ガイドブックに掲載されていなかったポイントをまとめた一冊です。 Matthew Stevens 氏の20年の経験が凝縮されており、英語での論文作成にも役立ちます。この本は、一般の書店では販売されておりません。 |
Scientific English: A Guide for Scientists and Other Professionals | by Robert A. Day, Oryx Pr | I can thoroughly recommend it - it's fairly short, very readable, and full of useful information. |
Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary | Oxford University Press | n addition to definitions, these dictionaries provide helpful notes on usage, countability and other areas of confusion. They also deal exclusively with modern, useful English. |
Practical English Usage | Michael Swan Oxford University Press | This is an easily available and easy to use guide to usage (rather than grammar). It clearly explains many of the problems that learners have with English. Although it is a British publication, it deals with differences between British and American English, too. |
How to Write And Publish a Scientific Paper |
by Robert A. Day Cambridge University Press | This is an excellent basic guide to technical writing. (This is also available in Japanese.) これの日本語版が丸善さんから出版されています。 英語で読むのはちょっと疲れる・・・という方はこちらがおすすめです! ちなみに、これは弊社にもあります。 |
Scientific Style And Format: The Cse Manual for Authors, Editors, And Publishers | by Council of Science Editors | |
http://www.onelook.com | This is a free dictionary website that links hundreds of dictionaries including technical and pronunciation dictionaries. |
理科系のための実戦英語プレゼンテーション | 朝倉書店 |
学会等でプレゼンをするときに重宝している、と研究職のお客様よりご紹介された本です。 |
国際学会のための科学英語絶対リスニング―ライブ英語と基本フレーズで英語耳をつくる! | 羊土社 | これも同じお客様にご紹介いただきました。リスニングができないから会話が成り立たなかった・・・と落ち込んでしまうような経験をして、その後本書で勉強されたそうです。リスニングに不安のある方にはおすすめ、とのことです。 |
英語論文の書き方で困っている方へ ~ プロの校閲者の経験をまとめた専門書です

Subtleties of Scientific Style英語論文の執筆時、今お持ちの英語論文ガイドブックで満足されていますか? 知りたいことが載っていない!と思うことがありませんか? Subtleties of Scientific Styleがお役に立てるかもしれません。
オーストラリア生まれ。シドニー大学農学部卒業。ウェスタンシドニー大学で応用科学の修士号取得。ニューサウスウェールズ農業省のふとした勘違いか らエディターの仕事を始めて20年、弊社その他の校閲者として豊富な経験を持ち、またオーストラリア政府からも大きな仕事を任されています。北米大陸以外 でELS(D), the US-based Board of Editors in the Life Sciences (http://www.bels.org/)の資格を得た最初の人です。
よくある間違いをとりあげる本は多いのですが、微妙な(subtle)間違いが科学論文で見過ごされていることが多々あります。こうした間違いを、 校閲者としての長い経験から1冊の本にまとめたのがSubtleties of scientific Styleです。本書は著者が20年の経験で出会った具体例や自身のエッセイなども収めており、また科学論文の書き方の常識にチャレンジするものでもあり ます。本書にどう向き合うかについて著者はこう述べています。
Bear in mind that the advice given in here is my opinion, though supported by reason and authoritative references, and over 20 years’ experience. If you disagree with it, that’s fine, so long as your reasoning is sound too. But I think you’ll find my arguments persuasive, and that you’ll find reading this book as satisfying as I have found writing it. A final word of caution: If the instructions to authors or the publisher’s requirements contradict anything I say here, do what they say, no matter how ludicrous you think they are.
1.The final section is an alphabetical listing of tricky or misused terms to watch out for and, as such, is easier to dip into and out of than the previous section. A particular bugbear of mine that he includes is 'biweekly', which can mean both 'twice a week' and 'once every two weeks' and always merits an author query. The author is, by his own admission, a prescriptivist, and in this section, he argues strongly to preserve the difference between gender and sex. However, this is a battle that, sadly, I think is now lost.
by Caroline Landon, Society for Editors and Proofreaders2. Most of the book delves into particular problems common in research writing and ways of fixing them, including many before and after examples. I have used some of these examples in my research writing courses, and my students have found them enlightening. I felt particularly edified by the section about common miscommunication that results from using phrases like “x times larger than”; e.g., two times larger than really means three times the size. Throughout the book, Matthew emphasizes the importance of paying attention to what the words literally say (often something silly), and then questioning whether the descriptions match the data (sometimes, they don’t).
by Rick Weisburd, Society of Writers, Editors & Translators3…there is plenty which is useful in settings outside of scientific works. For example, what is the difference between a ‘tonne’ (rhymes with ‘John’) and a ‘ton’ (rhymes with ‘sun’)? More than just the England/American English debate in fact. There are 1000 kg in a tonne, and 2240 lbs in a (long) ton, which is a difference of about 16 kg. He includes a detailed table of contents and a thorough index and sections on tricky or misused terms; common errors; a list of replacements for wordy phrases; and character charts for Mac and Windows. He has also included a macro for cross-checking references (which I shall be using from now on!). For the editor (or author) who likes an easy to use reference book, I can say that this is a good one to have on your bookshelf. It isn’t large, being just over 100 pages, but I have found it to be very useful. by
Polly Delany, The Society of Editors (WA) Inc.4. The following sections introduce items such as common errors of writing (filler words, hesitancies etc.), errors of substance or sequence (such as unsupported statements, unaddressed aims, lack of agreement), errors of reasoning (false assumptions, tautologies, statistical clumping). After discussing some of the flaws, Matthew then moves on to ways to improve scientific written expression by focusing on abbreviations, using active versus passive voice, examining the order of events, and using Plain English in science. Within all these areas useful examples are shown and a common sense explanation is given. Visual presentation is given its own section, highlighting a particular bete noire - using word processor functions for graphics with the simple instruction ? don’t! Considerable details are given to help editors improve the appearance of scientific graphs. There are then 26 pages listing tricky or misused terms and errors in classical language as applied to science texts.
This encompasses aspects relating to the use of terms such as: respectively, parameters, due to, base on, using, while, and with. Matthew provides clear examples showing ways these terms can be used to both obscure and to clarify scientific concepts. The appendices include a section on editing techniques, wordy phrases, British versus US spelling, and non-displaying and Unicode characters. Finally, the bibliography gives readers an extensive list of texts, web and software resources that can make the job of the scientific editor so much easier.
In this book the author has shared his expertise and various ‘trick of the trade’ within a specialised field of editing in a way that can prove very useful to editors dealing with ‘science speak’. One of the most beneficial components is the way that he clarifies sentence structure and expression to ensure that the scientific meaning is not confused. Overall, this book would be a very helpful resource for editors working with scientific documents.
by Tina Thornton, Catchword, Issue 111, Spring 2007
本書についてご興味をお持ちの方は下記で原書の抜粋(Acknowledgements, Contents, About this book, What is science?) をご覧になれます。
本文の抜粋 Subtleties of Scientific Style
About this book This book is aimed at hands-on scientific editors, those who work with the nuts and bolts of the text?from spelling, punctuation and grammar (copyediting) to meaning and logic (substantive editing). Copyeditors (subeditors) and journal editors will also find something of interest in it.・・・
続きはこちらから → About this book
Acknowledgements and About the author No book happens on its own. I’d like to thank Geoff Hart and Michael Lewis for their helpful advice on an early version of this book, which saved me from many of the same errors that I criticise (except where I felt pigheaded); Rick Weisburd for sending me his improvements;・・・
続きはこちらから → Acknowledgement
Contents はこちらから → Contents
What is Science? The word “science” comes from the Latin scientia, knowledge. Science is the pursuit of knowledge. It is a uniquely human activity (until we meet aliens who are similarly inclined). No other animal on Earth does it; it is a product of the human intellect. This recognition must underlie all scientific reporting. All scientific activities are done by people. All scientific writing is written by people, for people. Therefore all science reflects the qualities of the people who do it and the needs of those who will be affected by it. You cannot remove the actor and pretend that the work just happened. ・・・
続きはこちらから → What is science?
Subtleties of Scientific Style お問い合わせフォーム
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